Friday, April 15, 2011

I was eating fine. I even dropped a few pounds sticking to the 45 minute walk and no cookie plan.
However, Phillip decided he didn't know what love was, and we broke up.
So I reverted back to my breakup panacea of chocolate, Ben & jerry's, Red Sugar Poetry, several cigarettes a day, and foreign films. La Haine is amazing.

So then I gained it all back.
However. I decided to move this summer, and look super good.
And I don't want to buy a size five shorts. I'm going to buy size four.
Which is promising.

1 comment:

  1. I will check that movie out, love foreign films, and moving is a good idea. Necessity is the mother of invention and re-invention if you ask me. It'll give you a new goal to look good for and one that is solely about you wanting to look good for yourself not anybody else. I know I don't know the situation completely or anything, but you sound pretty awesome and someone deciding that they 'don't know what love is' sounds like a trite poem and a coward's excuse. Spite is always a good motivator in these situations I find, but I feel empowered when I'm angry, might be different for you. Good luck!
